
ABC Radio: Detained Vietnamese monk supports Tibetan struggle

ABC Radio – 16 February 2012 – Vietnam’s highest-profile religious detainee has sent a letter to the Dalai Lama saying China’s crackdown on Tibetan areas is a challenge to all humanity. The France-based International Buddhist Information Bureau says activist monk Thich Quang Do who is under house arrest at a …

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Socialist Republic of Vietnam : Draft Decree on Management, Provision and Use of Internet Services and Information on the Network

GOVERNMENT ——— No.: ……/2012/ND-CP SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence – Freedom – Happiness ————— Hanoi, date…..month……year 2012 DECREE ON MANAGEMENT, PROVISION AND USE OF INTERNET SERVICES AND INFORMATION ON THE NETWORK (The 3rd draft) ——————- THE GOVERNMENT – Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated December 25, …

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