
Calling for a tri-partite political system : Democracy Courage Tribute recipients Thich Quang Do and Hoang Minh Chinh exchange views on pluralism and democracy in Vietnam

The Very Venerable Thich Quang Do, Deputy leader of the outlawed Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (UBCV) sent the International Buddhist Information Bureau today an exchange of letters between himself and Hanoi dissident Hoang Minh Chinh, VCP veteran and former Dean of the Institute of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy in Hanoi. Although …

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DPA : VN cyber-dissident to continue criticism

    Hanoi, 30 Aug 2006 (dpa) – Newly freed Vietnamese internet dissident Pham Hong Son vowed hours after his release Wednesday that he would continue to call for free elections in communist-ruled Vietnam despite remaining under house arrest. “I will speak and exchange opinions freely and openly,” Son, 37, …

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AFP : Vietnam must free all dissidents, watchdogs say

  Agence France Presse   HANOI, Aug 29, 2006 (AFP) – Human rights and press freedom watchdogs welcomed Tuesday the release of Vietnamese dissident Pham Hong Son, but asked the communist government to free other political and religious activists. Vietnam’s ministry of public security said Monday that Son, a businessman …

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Vietnam Committee welcomes the announced release of prisoners, but condemns “piecemeal amnesty” of religious and political dissidents in Vietnam

PARIS, 28 August 2006 – Vietnam’s Vice-Minister of Public Security has announced that 5,313 prisoners will be released on 2 September, Vietnam’s National Day, including two prisoners convicted of “national security” offences, one of “espionage” and one of “undermining the policy of national unity”. These prisoners reportedly include cyber-dissident Pham …

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UPI : Vietnam to free democracy activist

HANOI, Vietnam, Aug. 28, 2006 (UPI) — Vietnam has reportedly promised to free its political dissidents before of U.S. President Bush’s proposed visit this year. The gesture is seen as an effort by Vietnam to win more international support, including from the U.S. Congress, for membership in the World Trade …

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