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New #FoRBDefender Movement Calls on People of all Faiths and None to Declare: “Believe it or not, it’s my Right!”

  BRUSSELS, 26 June 2018 – The Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR), member of the European Platform against Intolerance and Discrimination (EPRID) today joins EPRID to launch their new #FoRBDefender movement on freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief, calling on people everywhere to unite under the slogan, “Believe …

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In Vesak Day Message, UBCV leader Thích Quảng Độ urges Buddhists to overcome repression through the teachings of nonviolence and compassion

  PARIS, 28 May 2018 (IBIB) – The Most Venerable Thích Quảng Độ, Fifth Supreme Patriarch of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (UBCV) issued his annual Message on the Anniversary of the Vesak (Birth of Buddha). Vesak Day, the most important event in the Buddhist calendar, is celebrated on …

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U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom urges the US to designate Vietnam as “Country of Particular Concern” for egregious violations of freedom of religion or belief

    PARIS, 25.4.2018 (VCHR) –The Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR) welcomes the 2018 Annual Report issued by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) on Wednesday, and its recommendation that Vietnam be designated as a “Country of Particular Concern” (CPC). Under the 1998 US International Religious Freedom …

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US Congressman Alan Lowenthal and USCIRF Vice Chairwoman Kristina Arriaga adopt detained Buddhist Patriarch Thích Quảng Độ as a Prisoner of Conscience

  PARIS, 12 April 2018 (VCHR) – US Congressman Alan Lowenthal and Kristina Arriaga, Vice Chairwoman of the US Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) announced that they have officially adopted the Most Venerable Thích Quảng Độ, Patriarch of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (UBCV) as a prisoner of …

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Fifteen years prison for Nguyen Van Dai and harsh sentences for Brotherhood for Democracy activists at an unfair trial in Hanoi

  PARIS, 5th April 2018 (VCHR) – The Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR) is outraged by the sentences handed down on six peaceful activists today by the Supreme People’s Court in Hanoi at a one-day trial that violated all international standards. Human rights lawyer Nguyễn Văn Đài was sentenced …

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Vietnam: As trial begins, rights groups call for the release of Nguyen Van Dai and the Brotherhood for Democracy members

  Joint Press Release   PARIS-GENEVA, April 4, 2018 (VCHR & The Observatory) – Vietnamese authorities must drop all charges against human rights lawyer Nguyen Van Dai, his assistant Le Thu Ha, and seven other members of the Brotherhood for Democracy and immediately release them, the Observatory for the Protection …

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