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Press Release

Võ Văn Ái speaks before the UN Human Rights Council on 18 September 2018

VCHR and AEDH accuse Vietnam of grave human rights violations and disinformation at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva

  GENEVA, 18 September 2018 (VCHR) – Speaking on behalf of the Paris-based Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR) and Agir Ensemble pour les Droits de l’Homme (AEDH) at the 39th Session of the UN Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva from 10–28 September, VCHR President Võ Văn Ái denounced …

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Vietnam: Government report for Universal Periodic Review suppresses grave human rights violations

  PARIS, 4 September 2018 (VCHR & FIDH) – The draft report prepared by the Vietnamese government for the country’s upcoming Universal Periodic Review (UPR) suppresses grave human rights violations and deliberately misinforms the international community, FIDH and its member organization Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR) said today. The …

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Conference on “Freedom of Religion or Belief and Human Rights: Vietnamese and Tibetan Buddhism under threat” (Washington D.C. 11th July 2018)

    WASHINGTON D.C. 12 July 2018 – VCHR – Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR) and the International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) organized a Conference on “Freedom of Religion or Belief and Human Rights: Vietnamese and Tibetan Buddhism under threat” on July 11, 2018. The Conference was hosted by …

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New #FoRBDefender Movement Calls on People of all Faiths and None to Declare: “Believe it or not, it’s my Right!”

  BRUSSELS, 26 June 2018 – The Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR), member of the European Platform against Intolerance and Discrimination (EPRID) today joins EPRID to launch their new #FoRBDefender movement on freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief, calling on people everywhere to unite under the slogan, “Believe …

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