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Vietnam’s Boom Found Backfiring on Women

A month after a booming Vietnam joined the WTO, a U.N. committee flags violations of women’s rights, especially in rural areas. Democracy activists plan to broadcast the findings in underground media and lobby Vietnam’s trade partners. (WOMENSENEWS)–Vietnam, which joined the World Trade Organization in January and boasts a booming economy, …

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Vietnam denies Rafto Foundation Chairman permission to visit Vietnam

Mr. Arne Liljedahl Lynngård, Chairman of the Rafto Foundation in Bergen, Norway, has informed the Paris-based Vietnam Committee on Human Rights that the Vietnamese authorities have refused his request for a visa to visit Vietnam. On February 7, 2007, he received a letter from the Vietnamese Embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark, …

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Before the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : Vietnam Committee denounces persisting gender discrimination and violations of women’s rights in Vietnam

NEW YORK, 15 January 2007 – Speaking before a panel of experts at the 37th Session of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), at the United Nations in New York today, Mr. Vo Van Ai, President of the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights and Vice-President of …

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APEC meeting in Hanoi, 12-19 November 2006 : Just Free Trade, no Free Speech : Hanoi dissidents are “off-limits” to foreigners during APEC meeting

PARIS, 15 November 2006 – As thousands of participants meet to discuss free trade and open markets at the APEC meeting in Hanoi, Security Police have received strict orders to prevent any free discussion between dissidents and foreign diplomats or media visiting the Vietnamese capital. Over the past week, Security …

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Open Letter to Heads of State at the APEC Summit in Hanoi, 17-19 November 2006 : “Sustainable development requires a free press, free trade unions and independent NGOs” : World leaders at APEC Summit must press Vietnam to initiate a process of political reform

Mr. Vo Van Ai, President of the Paris-based Quê Me : Vietnam Committee on Human Rights has sent an Open Letter to the Heads of State of 21 Member Economies meeting in Hanoi for the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit from 17-19 November 2006. The members are Australia ; Brunei Darussalam ; …

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At the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva : Vo Van Ai calls on Vietnam to legalize Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam and allow UBCV Deputy leader Thich Quang Do to travel to Norway to receive Rafto 2006 Human Rights Award

GENEVA, 27 September 2006 (Vietnam Committee) – Speaking today at a parallel event on “Freedom and Democracy Perspectives in Southeast Asia” with speakers from Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, Mr. Vo Van Ai, President of the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights and International Spokesman of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam …

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Open Letter to the Vietnamese Prime Minister on the occasion of the 6th ASEM Summit, Helsinki, 10-12 September 2006 : Vietnam Committee calls for effective release of all dissidents in prison or under house arrest and the abolition of anti-human rights laws in Vietnam

Mr. Vo Van Ai, President of the Paris-based Vietnam Committee on Human Rights and Vice-President of the International Federation on Human Rights (FIDH) sent an Open Letter to Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung urging him to take the opportunity of the ASEM 6 Summit to announce radical measures to …

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Vietnam Committee welcomes the announced release of prisoners, but condemns “piecemeal amnesty” of religious and political dissidents in Vietnam

PARIS, 28 August 2006 – Vietnam’s Vice-Minister of Public Security has announced that 5,313 prisoners will be released on 2 September, Vietnam’s National Day, including two prisoners convicted of “national security” offences, one of “espionage” and one of “undermining the policy of national unity”. These prisoners reportedly include cyber-dissident Pham …

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At the 1st Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva (19-30 June) : Vietnam Committee calls on new UN Human Rights Council to address gross human rights violations in Vietnam

GENEVA, 20th June 2006 – As the new United Nations Human Rights Council begins its first session in Geneva this week, Vo Van Ai, President of the Paris-based Vietnam Committee on Human Rights and Vice-President of the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH), wrote to UN Secretary-general Kofi Annan, the …

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