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VCHR Reports & Publications

FIDH & Vietnam Committee on Human Rights : Vietnam and Free trade Agreement negotiations: NGOs urge the EU to carry out a human rights impact assessment

Brussels, 30 April 2013 Dear Commissioner de Gucht, Dear HR/VP Ashton, Dear Mr. Lambrinidis, Dear Members of the Working Party on Human Rights, Dear Members of the Working Party on Asia, Dear Members of the Trade Policy Committee, The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and its member organisation, the …

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VCHR – Rule of Law or Rule by Law, Crime and Punishment in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Report)

Crime_and_Punishment_in_VietnamDownload Report “Rule of Law or Rule by Law, Crime and Punishment in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Despite Vietnam’s accession to core human rights treaties and its adoption of extensive new legislation, serious gaps remain between international norms and Vietnamese laws and practices. Vietnam continues to adopt …

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FIDH & VCHR : “From “Vision” to Facts: Human Rights in Vietnam under its Chairmanship of ASEAN”

Human rights violations in Vietnam have continued unabated during its chairmanship of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 2010, according to a new report by the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR). The report, “From “Vision” to Facts: HUMAN RIGHTS …

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Political Stability vs Democratic Freedom ? Economic Crisis and Political Repression in Vietnam
Document of the VCHR for the Hearing on Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam of the Sub-commission on Human Rights, European Parliament (Brussels, 25 August 2008)

VCHR Report “Political Stability vs Democratic Freedom ? Economic Crisis and Political Repression in Vietnam, document of the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights for the Hearing on Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam of the Sub-commission on Human Rights, European Parliament, Brussels, 25 August 2008” (2008-082513_Political_Stability_vs_Democratic_Freedom.pdf)Download

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